It’s me! Hi!

Rachel here! If you’re made it to Giggling Fork, you likely are either A) a friend B) family or C) came here from our other blog, LaughingSpatula. Either way; thank you. Starting off with a recipe post felt inorganic, I feel like I need to be here to talk more about why we’re endeavoring a new blog, what kind of recipes you can expect, and maybe a little more about what inspired this new adventure.

A lot has changed since we started Laughing Spatula; We have over 15 years of blogging under our belt, we’ve grown into a full partnership and operate as a business. . Maybe not a very well oiled business, but a business. We’ve weathered website changes. Life changes. Recipe changes. I.T. companies, SEO experts and other blog staff. We’ve redesigned the blog. Tried new and old strategies to further our reach…but, at the end of the day, it comes back to my Mom and me doing what we love best; creating recipes. With Laughing Spatula, my mom and I switch off weeks, alternating who posts new recipes. This process has left us with some additional bandwidth in terms of recipe development. It also left us with some level of wanting a different platform for some different recipes. Since Laughing Spatula started in 2008, our family has changed. When this blog started, our life was geared around the 9-5 lifestyle with easy 30 minute recipes for after work.

Kathi and Rachel Kirk in Palm Springs, California

Now…My mom- Kathi- has since retired and lives the great life near Palm Springs. We live only 1/4 mile away from each other. I had my son Benny in 2020. I stay home with him and he’s now off to school leaving me with a little bit of free time. I’ve also found in motherhood I’m learning my kitchen and culinary landscape has changed. I wanted a separate platform to reflect that change. Laughing Spatula posts tried and true meals, but posting ‘easy play doh recipe’ was not in the cards for our reader base (and that’s okay!). That’s not to say we plan on posting a lot of kid recipes. But…when they do come up in my life, I’d like to be able to share them on an appropriate platform.

the author and family outside of a large door

So..What kind of recipes can you expect to see from Giggling Fork?

Our kitchens are still a place of whole ingredients; we don’t like a lot of processed food. I do love a good snack plate, an easy veggie tater tot recipe for my son, and sometimes a simple orzo skillet. I have a great group of girlfriends I love to cook for (which honestly does not happen as much as I’d like it too!) and sometimes I make easy crostini’s that require hardly any recipe but is worth sharing. Sometimes there is a a new trending recipe that is fun to try and we want to share. You can expect to see similar recipes from Laughing Spatula, but with a more modern twist.

So here we start this new adventure, first and foremost- as mother and daughter. It’s truly a labor of love, and allows us to live a life we never thought we could. It is never lost on us that you, dear reader, cook our recipes in your own kitchen! To get to do this again, together, gives us an overwhelming amount of gratitude. Thank you, truly- thank you for supporting us.

A special shout out to our family (Marty/Greg/Benny) and friends who have supported this adventure by following us on social media, championing us, taste testing our recipes, and just putting up with us overall. We love you.

Cheers to this new adventure; can’t wait to share a bite with you! Clink!!

Kathi and Rachel

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  1. I like the idea of recipes for kids. My great grandchildren would be all over that. And less sugar and less carbs recipes for the diabetics in the family.
    It seems you are living your passion. Wishing you much success in your next venture.

  2. Congratulations, I love the idea of cooking with Whole Foods. I can’t wait to see some of your new ideas.

  3. Exciting News! Based on your current success I am sure this new venture will be as interesting as your first and will leave me laughing, giggling and eating well!

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